WoW Gold Guide - How To Make Gold in WoW



Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gold Making Changes in Cataclysm

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What Gold Making Changes Can We Look Forward to in Cataclysm?

Already people are starting to ask repeatedly what kind of changes they can expect when the Cataclysm expansion goes live at the end of the year. More specifically, they want to know what kind of gold they can make when it goes up. When Wrath was announced and the pre-expansion 3.0 patch was released, players were able to make huge piles of gold by farming and selling herbs for inscription. This time around, what will the big gold maker be?

The Professions

As of right now, we don’t know for sure what the gold story will be with the professions. There is a new secondary profession coming in that will allow players to gather artifacts and unlock aspects of the Path of the Titans. The artifacts that are tradable will be highly valuable, but whether those will be available before the expansion goes live is still unknown – conventional wisdom says no.

The other things you’ll want to look for are new herbs and ores, which are always highly valuable. In Wrath, anyone that levelled up a bit faster than their friends was able to load up on herbs above Goldclover and Titanium and sell it for as much as 10 times what it would eventually settle down at. All ores and herbs spike early on, but you’ll need to get to these spots first so that you can farm it before the rush of new players comes in and makes it hard to farm.

There is also rumbling of revamped old world ore nodes to include some new ones or just richer versions of old ones. Even without new old world ores, remember that those old ores are still quite valuable in some cases.

Other Gold Opportunities

In general, you’ll find that Cataclysm has a ton of potential gold making options when it goes live later this year. However, you’re going to need to spend a lot of time reading the patch notes, preparing a strategy and checking to see what the game has added and what it has deleted. Most of all, don’t stock up on Wrath items anytime within a month of the new patch or expansion. It will only result in old stuff you can’t use anymore.


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