WoW Gold Guide - How To Make Gold in WoW



Saturday, March 27, 2010

How To Make Gold in WoW Patch 3.3.3

click  here now to hit  gold cap - VIP Download Page

Gold Making Strategies with the 3.3.3 Patch

With the 3.3.3 patch only a short while away, there is quite a bit of discussion going on about the gold making changes that we’ve all seen coming in this patch. With quite a few nerfs and changes to the way old staples are going to work, the gold farming methods for thousands are likely to change overnight when it goes live.

The Orbs

First up – there are orbs. Recipes using Runed Orbs are being reduced in price significantly for many players, minimizing the farming potential of Ulduar. Additionally, Frozen Orbs are going to be made tradeable in Dalaran to an NPC named Frozo. You’ll be able to get all sorts of fun stuff like eternals and Frost Lotuses. This will not only make Frozen Orbs valuable for a short while, it will make those traded goods less valuable.

The Titansteel

This is the big one. Titansteel is having the cooldown removed – something we’d expect for the end of the expansion’s life span. This is big news for a few reasons. First off, it’s going to drive the price of titansteel way down. With Titanium bar cooldowns lifted a while back, there is now nothing stopping anyone from making big piles of this stuff. So, expect a sharp drop in price. On the other hand, expect prices for eternals and saronite – the ingredients used to make titansteel to go up sharply. A LOT of people who couldn’t previously afford it will be interested in buying as much titansteel gear and items as possible.

As with any patch, the gold making changes are numerous. Be sure to spend some time developing strategies that will allow you to take full advantage of these changes and you’ll be able to make a nice little fortune when the patch goes live later this month.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Building the Ultimate World of Warcraft Gold Strategy

Warcraft Blueprint -  World's Greatest WoW Guide

I won’t pretend that this short article can provide all the strategy tips you’ll need to be the best at farming gold. But, I can provide you with some basic tips you will need to get a good gold making strategy put together. There are so many ways you spend your days sitting around making gold that you might think it is impossible to do it better. But, here are some strategies to develop that will ensure good returns each time.

• Choosing New Professions – Your professions are vital for making gold. If you don’t have the right ones, you’re wasting valuable gold making opportunities. Up to level 80, your primary professions should be chosen from mining, herbalism, and skinning. After Level 80, you can rechoose your professions and pick something like Jewelcrafting or Inscription – very popular ones for making big chunks of gold.

• Planning Your Time – Next up, stop running around hoping to find things that will make you rich. You need a good battle plan when you go out in the field each day. To do this, you need to start out by developing a routine. What will you do each day when you login. If you know for a fact that Eternals are easier to farm at 4pm when you login each day, why not get over to Wintergrasp and farm on the elementals there before you start going into instances or playing the auction house? Time things right to get the most out of your hours online.

• Getting into the Auction House – Finally, there’s the auction house. I could write books about this, but the truth is that you’ll want to spend some time figuring out what to do here on your own. Develop good strategies that will allow you to make big chunks of gold without spending hours and hours wasting opportunities. Buy the goods that will flip a good profit and sell the things that are worthless. There are a number of good auction house guides online so I’ll let you check those out, but remember how important it is.

It might seem like an extremely simple strategy, but these three things will ultimately help you play the game better one very possible level. Rather than spending hour after hour trying to perfect how you play the game, you need to spend as much time developing a strategy for what you’re doing. How can you spend less time farming and yet make more gold? Then you can focus on things that really matter, like winning PvP matches or raid battles.

Warcraft Blueprint

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dugi's Ultimate WoW Guide Half Off Sale

Click Here Now For Dugi's Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide

Dugi's Guide V4 is out now with Bonuses and Prizes Galore

For the past 3 weeks Dugi has left us in suspense
while we've waited for the latest update to his Leveling
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Dugi's Half Off Sale

Dugi has also just made a huge announcement that he is
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These guides include...

- Alliance & Horde 1-80 Leveling guides with the new
V4 addon which is awesome btw.

- In Game Dailies & Events guide which will supercharge
your daily questing. (You can't get this anywhere else)

- Gold Farming Secrets & Profession Guide, another
great guide by Dugi.

If that wasn't enough it comes with 5 free bonuses.

* In-Game Leveling Talent Guide
* Class Talent & Gear Guide
* Over 20 Dailies Instructional Videos
* 9 Seasonal Event Guides
* Dugi's PVP Strategies

There's also a special prize of WoW Magazine
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Now you can get everything for 50% off which is
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Dugi has been around for over 4 years and he
ALWAYS DELIVERS, you will be glad to get his guides.

Dugi's Half Off Sale

4 Guides and 5 Bonus Guides for the price of 1 (Awesome!)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gold Making Changes in Cataclysm

click   here now to hit  gold cap - VIP Download Page

What Gold Making Changes Can We Look Forward to in Cataclysm?

Already people are starting to ask repeatedly what kind of changes they can expect when the Cataclysm expansion goes live at the end of the year. More specifically, they want to know what kind of gold they can make when it goes up. When Wrath was announced and the pre-expansion 3.0 patch was released, players were able to make huge piles of gold by farming and selling herbs for inscription. This time around, what will the big gold maker be?

The Professions

As of right now, we don’t know for sure what the gold story will be with the professions. There is a new secondary profession coming in that will allow players to gather artifacts and unlock aspects of the Path of the Titans. The artifacts that are tradable will be highly valuable, but whether those will be available before the expansion goes live is still unknown – conventional wisdom says no.

The other things you’ll want to look for are new herbs and ores, which are always highly valuable. In Wrath, anyone that levelled up a bit faster than their friends was able to load up on herbs above Goldclover and Titanium and sell it for as much as 10 times what it would eventually settle down at. All ores and herbs spike early on, but you’ll need to get to these spots first so that you can farm it before the rush of new players comes in and makes it hard to farm.

There is also rumbling of revamped old world ore nodes to include some new ones or just richer versions of old ones. Even without new old world ores, remember that those old ores are still quite valuable in some cases.

Other Gold Opportunities

In general, you’ll find that Cataclysm has a ton of potential gold making options when it goes live later this year. However, you’re going to need to spend a lot of time reading the patch notes, preparing a strategy and checking to see what the game has added and what it has deleted. Most of all, don’t stock up on Wrath items anytime within a month of the new patch or expansion. It will only result in old stuff you can’t use anymore.


Warcraft Formula March 2010


Lich King...check. Now What?

Last month, we finally got our shot at the Lich King and now that
many guilds have recorded first kills and are working on Heroic
modes, we have one question. What's next?

Blizzard is on it with their 3.3.3 content and the announcement of
3.3.5 raiding additions, and Warcraft Formula is right on top of it
all with coverage. With detailed discussions of both new patches
and recent Cataclysm news, along with the final boss fights from
ICC and a much requested Auction House outsourcing guide, Warcraft
Formula is back and better than ever.

Check it out now:

=> Warcraft Formula March Edition 2010

- In Depth 3.3 Patch Strategies - The final walk through of
Icecrown Citadel are here with the Lich King himself.

- 3.3.3 Gold Tips - Make serious gold with these insider patch
tips about big changes coming your way. Learn what to stockpile and
what to start dumping.

- Auction House Outsourcing - Make more gold with less work by
outsourcing your farming.

There are of course many more details and strategies jammed into
the March issue - head over now and check it out before everyone
else gets a jump on you.

=> Warcraft Formula March Edition 2010