WoW Gold Guide - How To Make Gold in WoW



Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How To Make Gold Hunting Rhino

Wow Gold - How To Make Gold in Wow

by Shawn Woods

Extreme Gold Secrets

Meat is good stuff. It smells great when you cook it. It fills you
up better than anything out there and it tastes good with ketchup.
Any kind of meat...good with ketchup.

I'm a big fan of meat so it's no surprise that meat farming is a
fun enterprise for me in WoW. I spend a good amount of time hunting
down the big game that tends to be flotsaming around the more beast
friendly zones out there and snagging some meat, a few skins and
whatever else may fall.

There are a ton of options this time around too. As usual, we have
a Nesingwary zone to thank for that - this time it's Sholazar Basin
and it's a beautiful place to lounge and make some profit on the
various beasts and creatures that happen to be around. You're going
to find crocs, cats, and best of all rhinos. What's so good about
rhinos you ask?

Simple. There is no equivalent for Rhino meat based food with fish
based food. Many foods have two options for the same stat boost -
either fish or meat. With Rhino meat, it's just the meat and so a
good stack of Rhino Meat will sell for over 50 gold on average and
sometimes swoop up as high as 60 or even 70 when demand is high.

The best part about it is that the demand will always stay high
because expertise comes out of some Rhino based foods and because
there are so many cooking dailies. Toss in the extra hides, horns,
and random other drops you get and you're set. Where should you be
hunting Rhinos? The area just north of Nesingwary's Camp is a good
one, as is the Rhino infested areas of Borean Tundra and Howling

Get to moving and grab yourself a few good Rhino Dogs before
they're all gone.


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