WoW Gold Guide - How To Make Gold in WoW



Saturday, May 30, 2009

How To Make Gold Mining Titansteel


Gold Farming - How To Make Gold in Wow

by Shawn Woods

Extreme Gold Secrets

Every now and then Blizzard has a really cool, really profitable
(for us) idea. I like to think I was on the front end of a lot of
those good ideas. Titansteel is just such as cool new idea even if
it isn't really anything special. We all know it exists, but do you
really know how much gold you can make on it? Let's find out.

Basically, what you have with Titansteel is a transmutable steel
that only Miners can create at Level 450 and only every 20 hours.
It's like the high level transmutes Alchemists do only much more
profitable. The stuff is used for everything. We're talking
Titansteel gear, rare crafted items, Choppers and hogs. The list
goes on and so the cost of titansteel goes up and the two kind of
meet in the middle somewhere way above our heads.

A single bar of titansteel costs about 120-180 gold on average and
only costs about 70 gold to make (depending a LOT on the current
rate of Eternals of which you need three). Basically though, if
you're a miner, you need to be making Titansteel every 20 hours on
the dot. Keep a calendar, set a stop watch, setup an alarm clock;
do something to make sure you can smelt this stuff whenever your
cooldown is up.

And if you're not a Miner, don't hesitate to snag a few good deals
at auction. If you grab a Titansteel underpriced for only 90 gold,
you will make a profit if you wait a day or two for the price to go
back up to where it should be around 120 (or higher if it's
Thursday or Friday night).


How To Make Gold Jewelcrafting


Gold Farming - How To Make Gold in Wow

by Shawn Woods

Extreme Gold Secrets

Before TBC came out, I was about as skeptical as anyone about
Jewelcrafting. Seemed like a whole lot of gold to invest for a few
fancy gems and rings. But, after it came out, boy oh boy did I
change my tune. That stuff was money. Cold hard cash in your pocket
if you did it right and boy did a lot of people do it right. It's
been one of the most consistently profitable professions in the
game and so you can guess why I'm such a huge fan. It's a great way
to make gold and in WotLK it's just as good as (if not better than)

So what can you do with Jewelcrafting this time around? First off,
you can make perfect uncommons. It's a new intermediate level for
gems that translates to more cash in your pocket for a green gem
that would otherwise not be worth all that much.

Next up, there's dailies now that can translate to Dragon's Eyes
and epic rare designs. Which brings me to Epic Designs. Yes, I said
Epic jewelry, trinkets, rings and gems. This stuff sells for sooooo
much and it's just getting started as many players have not even
gotten to the pinnacle of raiding content yet.

To make things even sweeter, you can run some pretty cool tricks
through with Jewelcrafting such as creating Stoneguard bands and
then disenchanting them and selling off the materials for much
cheaper than what you paid. There's some serious profit laying in
that kind of sneaky behavior (and pretty cool ways to get around
the whole "Eternal Earth is worthless" problem).

Basically, Jewelcrafters make bank. Pick it up and you also will
make bank.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

How To Make Gold Farming Spider Silk


Gold Farming - How To Make Gold in Wow

by Shawn Woods

Extreme Gold Secrets

Spiders are icky. I don't care what you say - they're just gross
and I don't generally want to have anything to do with them. Too
many legs. Too many eyes. They're just plain unpleasant and yet in
World of Warcraft they are one of my favorite mobs and for a
wonderful set of reasons. Mostly though, they reward the heck out
of you with some mighty fine swag when you get to hunting them.
From the highest end Nerubian Chitins to hunting down the Spider
King in Azjol'Nerub, you're getting your time and money's worth
when you hunt spiders.

But, one of the biggest farming targets is always Spider Silk and
in Wrath of the Lich King, there is yet another new form of Spider
Silk that's hit the game and it's worth a ton (as usual). Used in
everything from Epic Spellthreads (which are sweet) to Flying
Carpet Mounts (which are sweeter), Iceweb Spider Silk is huge in
the game and is going to remain that way for a good long time.
Generally, you're looking at an average of anywhere between 40 and
60 gold per stack and they can add up fast when farming.

If you're like me and are always looking for a good throw down with
a (virtual) spider, the best place to find these Iceweb Spider
wielding baddies is in Zul'Drak where a crew of Trapdoor Crawlers
has infested Heb'Valok near (36,51). The drop rate is great, but
watch out if you're a Rogue. These things are crawling around
underground (remember Crudbusters in Hellfire?) and can't be opened
on easily.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

How To Make Gold Farming Elementals


Wow Gold - How To Make Gold in Wow

by Shawn Woods

Extreme Gold Secrets

Remember when you could sly into Nagrand, land in the middle of the
Elemental Plateau and flat out own your guildies by posting up 300
or more gold an hour. Ah, those were the good old days. These days,
elemental farming has been slapped around a bit and isn't quite as
good as it used to be.

First off, you've got the new Motes - Crystallized Elements. There
are six this time around (no Mana), and they all turn into Eternals
when you transmute 10 of them. They are sold for the same things
too - high level crafting and you even need more of them than you
did before. But, finding the elementals you need to farm is a bit
harder and the prices are even a bit lower than Primals were in
there heyday. So what's the point?

Well, first off, you can farm more of them plus all the nifty other
stuff out there. By hitting up Lake Wintergrasp between battles
you'll find every kind of elemental out there and boy oh boy do
they drop Crystallized Elements. Next up, you can mine any of the
Crystallized Elements by digging up the various kinds of ore. Herbs
drop Life and Water and Fishing still drops Water.

To top things off, you can find all of them on arctic clouds with
Engineering as you did with your Mote Extractor before. That makes
four solid professions that can flatout farm the things. Throw in
farming for greens and blues and all the other loot you can find
and the prices even out. Think of it this way, someone needs those
things. If you don't farm them, who will. Plus, you can all but do
it in your sleep.

Hit up the hot spots and you'll rake in between 200 and 400 gold an
hour - it's not Titanium money but if Icecrown is overcamped (which
it will be) you can maintain a nice clip and relax a bit later in
the day. Gotta love elementals.


Tauren Chef - Wrath of the Kitchen King

WoW Cooking Guide

Wrath of the Kitchen King (WotKK) is the expansion to the Tauren Chef Cookbook and is a massive guide to leveling your in-game WoW cooking skills and also includes all new recipes from Azeroth, Outlands, and Northrend, allowing you to level your real world cooking skills. Now you can eat as well as your characters!

Some of the recipes found in-game, that you can also make in your kitchen, are:

  • Smoked Desert Dumplings
  • Nothern Stew
  • Conjured Muffins
  • Monster Omelet
  • Deep Run Rat Kabob
  • Carrion Surprise
  • Fillet of Redgill
  • Arathi Basin Field Rations
  • Galgar's Cactus Apple Surprise
  • Tracker Snacks
  • Metal Gear Solid fans will finally be able to try out the Russian Rations and see if they're really up to snuff
  • Over 60 recipes in all!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How To Make Gold Hunting Rhino

Wow Gold - How To Make Gold in Wow

by Shawn Woods

Extreme Gold Secrets

Meat is good stuff. It smells great when you cook it. It fills you
up better than anything out there and it tastes good with ketchup.
Any kind of meat...good with ketchup.

I'm a big fan of meat so it's no surprise that meat farming is a
fun enterprise for me in WoW. I spend a good amount of time hunting
down the big game that tends to be flotsaming around the more beast
friendly zones out there and snagging some meat, a few skins and
whatever else may fall.

There are a ton of options this time around too. As usual, we have
a Nesingwary zone to thank for that - this time it's Sholazar Basin
and it's a beautiful place to lounge and make some profit on the
various beasts and creatures that happen to be around. You're going
to find crocs, cats, and best of all rhinos. What's so good about
rhinos you ask?

Simple. There is no equivalent for Rhino meat based food with fish
based food. Many foods have two options for the same stat boost -
either fish or meat. With Rhino meat, it's just the meat and so a
good stack of Rhino Meat will sell for over 50 gold on average and
sometimes swoop up as high as 60 or even 70 when demand is high.

The best part about it is that the demand will always stay high
because expertise comes out of some Rhino based foods and because
there are so many cooking dailies. Toss in the extra hides, horns,
and random other drops you get and you're set. Where should you be
hunting Rhinos? The area just north of Nesingwary's Camp is a good
one, as is the Rhino infested areas of Borean Tundra and Howling

Get to moving and grab yourself a few good Rhino Dogs before
they're all gone.