WoW Gold Guide - How To Make Gold in WoW



Sunday, April 12, 2009

How To Make Gold Farming Frost Lotus

Extreme Gold Secrets - How To Make Gold in Wow

Extreme Gold Secrets

Who Want's a Frost Lotus?

Hope you're having a good week. I've been at it again, gold farming
to my heart's content (this stuff sure is addictive isn't it?) and
thought I'd throw you another of my favorite farming options. It's
a classic but it's a goodie and it's been a huge boon for my gold
stashes on at least two characters.

I'm talking about Frost Lotuses, those newest of new herbs that are
incredibly rare, incredibly valuable, and incredibly hard to find.
This version of Lotus (what are we up to? Four different kinds now)
is found inside nodes in Northrend at higher rates for higher level
herbs. So Icethorn and Lichbloom drop it more often than anything
else and thus are harder to find (lots of competition).

Unfortunately, unlike Titanium, Blizzard didn't just make Frost
Lotus nodes appear. They make it so you have to track down the
Icethorn and Lichblooms out there and then pick it to see if a
Frost Lotus is inside. It's a pain, but it drives the price up even
higher and the drop rates are even a little better than some other
Lotuses out there (why even bother with Black Lotuses anymore?)

If you're just a farm and auction type, these guys will go for more
than 20 gold each. If you're a crafter, hold on to the puppy and
use it for Alchemy recipes like your top new Alchemist's Stones and
some mighty rare (and mighty pricey new Flasks like Stoneblood).
And if you're an Inscriptionist, DO NOT use it for Azure Pigment.
What a waste that would be when Goldclover is going for 19 gold a

The final verdict? Frost Lotus = Good Gold. Usually, I can knock
out about 5 or 6 of them per hour if I get a good spot and that's
in addition to all the Icethorn and Lichbloom I find and loot I
snag from the Jormungars that litter the top two zones. Good stuff.


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