WoW Gold Guide - How To Make Gold in WoW



Thursday, April 30, 2009

How To Make Gold as an Engineer

Extreme Gold Secrets - How To Make Gold in Wow

by Shawn Woods

Extreme Gold Secrets

Engineers have had it bad. Really bad. Just think back a few
patches and expansions and when was the last time that someone
said, "man I wish I could make gold like an engineer"? I'm going to
hazard a guess and say around about...never. It just doesn't happen.
Engineers are not lauded or held on high for their gold making -
they are panned and ignored because they don't make enough and
because you're not going to get much of anywhere with one unless
you like playing with cool gadgets (which, admittedly, I do).

Of course, that has all changed with WotLK as Engineers were given
quite a few cool new things to craft that can make them some solid
profit. You've got your Nitro Boosters, your Pyro Rockets, your
Gnomish Army Knife (this is a great one to save bag space) and
those Overcharged Capacitors everyone is always asking for in
Borean Tundra and Storm Peaks (huge profit on these in week one).

But, the big money maker and the sole reason I'm okay with
Engineering even being called a profession again is the addition
of the crafted mounts - the Chopper and Hog. These puppies might
cost over 15,000 gold to craft, but you can make a 5,000 gold
profit on each one you make. If you happen to have some gold laying
around, knocking out two or three of these in one week will cover
you for a month or two of grinding.

To top it off, everyone and I mean everyone wants one. Finding
someone with 20,000 gold to toss around is the hard part, but in
this age of 700+ gold an hour grinding, it's not nearly as
farfetched as you might think.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Farming Frostweave in Borean Tundra

Extreme Gold Secrets - How To Make Gold in Wow

Extreme Gold Secrets

I don't know about you, but I love the new starting zones that
Blizzard put together for Northrend. Hellfire Peninsula was...well,
it sucked. It was too crowded, too bland, and too lacking in some
basic amenities for questers and gold farmers. You still had to
grind there up to 3.0 and it's a wasteland now. But Howling Fjord
and Borean Tundra are awesome and Borean Tundra is a gold mine,
even when you're already Level 80 - that's good world building for
an MMO.

It's even nicer because things like Frostweave Cloth were not made
easy to farm in this iteration of the game. Unlike TBC where you
were swimming in Netherweave whenever you killed anything remotely
resembling a humanoid, Frostweave comes in short, but rare bursts
until you're in the top zones. It's mostly because Tailors get that
blasted scavenging ability (if you're a tailor, use it). It makes
it so the ones who really need cloth can get it more easily and in
greater amounts.

But the rest of us who have fond memories of farming demons in
Shadowmoon Valley or Felwood are left wondering what happened.
Luckily, some hotspots abound. So, we get to combine one of my
favorite zones with one of my favorite farming activities
(humanoids are great for all that extra loot they drop too) in the
caves located near Brom'Gorok Outpost and Fizzlecrank Outpost. It's
chock full of mobs that drop cloth at a 35% rate (with 1-3 drops
per kill) and a huge number of greens and blues in the loot tables.
Check it out next time you're bumbling around the starting zones -
fast respawns, faster kills and all sorts of valuable cloth. Good


How To Make Gold Farming Frost Lotus

Extreme Gold Secrets - How To Make Gold in Wow

Extreme Gold Secrets

Who Want's a Frost Lotus?

Hope you're having a good week. I've been at it again, gold farming
to my heart's content (this stuff sure is addictive isn't it?) and
thought I'd throw you another of my favorite farming options. It's
a classic but it's a goodie and it's been a huge boon for my gold
stashes on at least two characters.

I'm talking about Frost Lotuses, those newest of new herbs that are
incredibly rare, incredibly valuable, and incredibly hard to find.
This version of Lotus (what are we up to? Four different kinds now)
is found inside nodes in Northrend at higher rates for higher level
herbs. So Icethorn and Lichbloom drop it more often than anything
else and thus are harder to find (lots of competition).

Unfortunately, unlike Titanium, Blizzard didn't just make Frost
Lotus nodes appear. They make it so you have to track down the
Icethorn and Lichblooms out there and then pick it to see if a
Frost Lotus is inside. It's a pain, but it drives the price up even
higher and the drop rates are even a little better than some other
Lotuses out there (why even bother with Black Lotuses anymore?)

If you're just a farm and auction type, these guys will go for more
than 20 gold each. If you're a crafter, hold on to the puppy and
use it for Alchemy recipes like your top new Alchemist's Stones and
some mighty rare (and mighty pricey new Flasks like Stoneblood).
And if you're an Inscriptionist, DO NOT use it for Azure Pigment.
What a waste that would be when Goldclover is going for 19 gold a

The final verdict? Frost Lotus = Good Gold. Usually, I can knock
out about 5 or 6 of them per hour if I get a good spot and that's
in addition to all the Icethorn and Lichbloom I find and loot I
snag from the Jormungars that litter the top two zones. Good stuff.