WoW Gold Guide - How To Make Gold in WoW



Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Patch 4.1.0 Gold Tips

468ani Patch 4.1 Preparation

Dun Dun Dun!

20K Leveling Guide has seen one of its largest updates yet, with over five pages of content added by none other than Alto from Alto's Goldish Advice. For current gold guide members, now is a good time to go check out the new chapter on Patch 4.0.1 gold tips. Afterwards, and if you haven't done so yet, you should take a look at Alto's blog as well as his gold making mini-guide which is actually an excellent complimentary guide to 20k Leveling.

Alto Who?

So who is Alto and why should he be updating the content of 20k Leveling for patch 4.1.0? First off, Alto is a millionaire in wow, and the speed at which he has learned his craft has been impressive to say the least. He has mastered every profession and created systems with addons that make him a pro at all aspects of making gold in wow. What I like most about Alto, and the reason I decided to ask him to be the primary updater for 20k Leveling, is the way he has taken my methods and improved upon them in his own unique way. You can see in his writing on his blog where my previous writings have influenced him, but over time he has also come to develop his own unique voice and system for making gold in wow.

I am very excited to have Alto on the team here at JMTC and will be looking forward to having him make additional updates to 20k Leveling with new patches and any upcoming changes to the auction house, along with my own additions to the guide.

20K Leveling Guide image

Warning: 20k Leveling is a gold guide, not a leveling guide. Although it will help you to make a ridiculous amount of gold from 1-85 and then onward with multiple professions at level 85, it is not meant to show you the fastest possible routes to level with. If you want a leveling guide I would suggest looking into Zygor Guides

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Warcraft Conquest is Live

What Are You Waiting For?

The time to get into Warcraft Conquest and become one of the new breed of elite is running short. Max and T Dub aren’t joking around when they say that the longer you wait, the further behind you’ll be. The noobs are coming out in force and if you don’t jump on this opportunity right now, you could quickly become one of the few out there with nowhere to go but down.

>>> Warcraft Conquest

Warcraft Conquest isn’t a onetime guide, it's a vibrant community site which grows every day providing step by step instructions from everything to amassing millions of gold to destroying everything from players to dragons. This stuff is hotter than Un’Goro Crater and yet as cool as the frozen throne and if you don’t check it out today you’re wasting valuable opportunities.

Warcraft Conquest is *LIVE* right now but I don't know how long it will be before all the memberships are gone.

So what are you waiting for...

If you want your share, then lock in your membership now... before they're gone... don't say I didn't warn you.

>>> Warcraft Conquest

Warcraft Conquest banner

Monday, April 11, 2011

Warcraft Conquest

Warcraft Conquest

*** Here's the Story ***

A lifelong friend who has committed everything to World of Warcraft has finally decided to work together with me to create
"the holy grail of World of Warcraft" Warcraft Conquest

Over the years he has accumulated 4 legendaries, over 2 million gold,
gladiator titles and more... (raw proof to come)

We didn't think it would actually come together but months later
here we are, preparing to release upon you the ultimate World of
Warcraft resource...

And it's all being revealed in less than 7 days...

As a valued member, you get front row seats to watch as we roll out
our next game changer.


Next time I will have more info on the Conquest's secret campaign,
how you can easily gain legendaries, PvP titles and more with
indepth video guides from my partner Max Lee and some new
and unique (and really devious) Warcraft trickery.

Warcraft Conquest