WoW Gold Guide - How To Make Gold in WoW



Saturday, January 30, 2010

How to Make Gold in WoW without Farming

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Hit Gold Cap

One of the most obnoxious parts of World of Warcraft is the process of making gold. Players who want to make gold in WoW often have to spend hours a day farming for it in various ways. They need to go out and farm on old instances, mining nodes, herbalism nodes, and a dozen other ways that are highly tedious after a few weeks of the same thing. Which is why many players will jump at any chance they can to make gold in WoW without farming for it so often.

Getting to Know the Auction House

The Auction House is a very complex structure with a ton of data points to work with. To get to know it properly, you need to install add-ons like Auctioneer, Auctionator, Postal, and Market Watcher. Other add-ons like TitanPanel can be very helpful as well as it can make seeing your total gold counts and bag space easier. Generally speaking, you’ll need to be sure you have everything operational and scan the data in the auction house almost every day (or more often if you can). This data will allow you to learn how the data interacts and how to find the best auctions to buy out and resell.

How to Make Gold in WoW with Less Time Spent

The key to making more gold in WoW while spending less time doing so is to focus on auctions with high yield returns. Things like Eternals and Cobalt Ore are great, but the return is not as high as things like Crusader Orbs, Primordial Saronite, or Titansteel. These items, while very expensive, will always sell for a profit if you know when to sell them and how much to sell them for. Many players spend hours a day doing this, while others are able to login for an hour a day and make thousands of gold very quickly.

The key to make gold in WoW is not to assume you’ll be able to do it steadily like you do with farming. You need to be able and willing to take risks and push yourself a bit harder than you do normally. The rewards will then be far greater than they would be if you flew in circles around Storm Peaks or Icecrown for hours on end. Do that and you’ll be far better off with your gold making methods for months to come.


Monday, January 25, 2010

The Top Four Add-Ons for World of Warcraft Gold Making

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WoW Gold Making Guide

There are a number of ways to go about World of Warcraft gold making. Players from around the world login each day to try their hand at hundreds of them, but for the top tier players, the secrets start and end with having the right add-ons for their game client. So, here are the top four add-ons for high yield gold making, using the auction house – the big money maker in this game.


Auctionator is a great tool because it offers a variety of buying and selling tools that work very well, allowing you to buy in bulk and in amounts that are far more profitable and easy to control than other auction house mods. The scan feature also works far better than most others and it is consistent over time.


Auctioneer’s basic scanning features are iffy at best, but it has the best search options of any add-on allowing you to look for vendor items, resale items, and much more. Basically, any search criteria you can think of can be fit into Auctioneer and pushed to help you make a profit. The key is to know what you’re looking for and to not take the scan data here too literally due to how often it gets a little mussed up.

Market Watcher

Market Watcher is a bit redundant, but it allows you to scan for specific items in a shopping list and then to graph those values over daily, weekly, or monthly timelines, effectively getting real time market data from across your realm. It’s a powerful tool and will act wonderfully in conjunction with your other add-ons.


This is a simple mail add-on that makes it easy to customize your mail box, getting it all out at once and accessing extra messages (beyond your first 50) much quicker. For anyone buying and selling in bulk, this is an absolute must on your add-on list.

With these four add-ons, any player in World of Warcraft can boost their way to the top of the auction house and start making substantial sums of gold that will allow them to succeed in almost anything they put their minds to in the game. If you do not yet have these add-ons, make sure to add them to your list and start scanning often.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Is the World of Warcraft Gold Cap for Real?

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WoW Gold Cap

There is a lot of talk in this day and age of the one time legendary World of Warcraft gold cap. There were players a few years ago who claimed to have hit it and no one believed them due to the low yield of most TBC farming methods. Today, there are more players who have hit the gold cap and have proof of their accomplishments – either in screens and videos or in the sheer volume of time they’ve spent in the game.

However, the big question still remains of whether the World of Warcraft gold cap is something a normal player who doesn’t play 60 hours a week has a realistic chance of ever hitting.

What it Takes to Hit the World of Warcraft Gold Cap

The gold cap is a big deal for many players, yet something they’ll never hit. The reason is simple. They keep farming and questing and will never get there. Consider the amount of time it would take to reach the gold cap using these old methods. It takes 300 hours to reach the gold cap while making 750 gold an hour. That’s only if you could maintain that kind of speed, and then there is the time spent on your alt selling off all that stuff. Anyone else will realistically make between 200 and 400 gold an hour at the most – which would take upwards of 800 or 900 hours to reach the cap. And that’s only if you don’t spend any of that gold.

Strategies on Hitting the Gold Cap

So, it’s going to take a bit more to hit the World of Warcraft gold cap than just farming away. You’ll need to start using the Auction House and learning how to master the movement of items between auction houses, servers, and factions – pushing items between characters in ways that will allow you to profit on every transaction and in large sums – much larger than any other farming methods would allow.

For any player who has never before considered the prospect of hitting the gold cap, starting from scratch will result in a great deal of time spent in the auction house and out farming. There are other methods to consider in the process, but they all need to be carefully crafted and executed. If you can do that, you may stand a chance of eventually hitting the elusive gold cap in World of Warcraft.


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How To Make Gold in WoW

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Three Secrets to Hitting the WoW Gold Cap

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How To Hit WoW Gold Cap

Anyone who has played World of Warcraft in the last couple years has heard tale of the WoW gold cap, the mythical number slightly over 214,700 where players stop gaining gold due the numerical formulas used by Blizzard to calculate gold values. The number has been hinted at a few times in the past, but in the last few months, with high yield Wrath farming methods, many more players have supposedly managed to hit it. Here are three tips for how to work toward the WoW gold cap successfully.

1. Get the Right Add-Ons

Step one is to find the right add-ons for your game client. You’ll need to be sure that you have add-ons that will allow you to quickly scan, analyze and utilize auction house data. For many players Auctioneer is enough, but Auctionator is increasingly becoming the add-on of choice for this. Additionally, it is recommended that you pick up Market Watcher and Postal as these two add-ons provide you with a great deal of additional functionality and data when you go into each transaction. The more data you have, the better you will be able to use what you have.

2. Stop Farming and Questing

Many people have been told that farming and questing are good enough ways to make gold and will work fine for anyone that needs the cash. But, think of it this way. The most gold you’ll make daily questing is 250 or 300 an hour and the most you’ll ever make farming is 750 an hour. If you’re interested in hitting the WoW gold cap, you’ll need to farm almost 300 hours to hit that mark and the questing will pretty much never get you there. These are good methods for those that are content with low gold counts and who enjoy the activity. Everyone else needs to move on.

3. Work on Creative Auction House Methods

Anyone with a gold guide uses the Auction house to make gold these days. For this reason, you need to push yourself and find new and exciting ways to make gold that do not involve spending so much time just buying and selling. Learn how to transfer items between servers and factions, how to make an item go up in value through price manipulation, how to move things around carefully to control how the game operates. These are all valuable auction house skills on the road to the gold cap.
The real key to hitting the WoW gold cap is not in farming endlessly (though that is technically possible), but in using the auction house carefully and creatively in a way that will allow you to get there faster and more efficiently.


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How To Make Gold in WoW